Sunday, December 20, 2009

Snow time in London

My daughter, Sahasra, had fer first snow experience last week, when it snowed quite heavily in most parts of Britain. london too received its share and it was good to come out and take snaps in what could be our last winter here.

My wife was not able to take many photos as her hands were not working as per her wish. She had to pour some boiling water on her hands once she came back home, so as to get them start functioning again.

This place was supposed to be the playground where my parents and in-laws used to go for a walk.
Some more snaps of places near my office.

Last time when it snowed, it was so heavy that all public transport was stopped, and I was fortunate to get a day off. Lets hope that it snows again - heavily.

1 comment:

GVK said...

Fascinating pictures. Being there in flesh and blood is quite another matter. Not good for your exposed finger tips, and for your bone, even under sweater.