Saturday, November 8, 2008

Hey Everyone!

For those who don't know who I am, I am Anjana; Sreedhar's daughter. I think this idea to link our entire Pollachi clan together is just great! We are using the benefits of technology to connect to our family that is scattered geographically. I'm 14 years old, and I have a sister named Anushree who is 12 years old. I live with my parents in Edison in New Jersey. I am now in the 9th grade, known as the first year of high school, while Anu is in 7th grade. School started in September, and our teachers have given us a lot of homework from day one. Phew! Our everyday lives are filled with singing, playing instruments, going to classes, doing homework, studying, and doing chores. I give all relatives a shout-out from the Sreedhar family in New Jersey! Also, everyone who has been informed about this blog should utilize it by publishing their post. You can write about whatever you want; just go crazy and have fun with it! I look forward to reading many posts in the future!
--from Anjana Sreedhar (also known as Kunju the Great)

1 comment:

GVK said...

How about some photos, of Anu and you, to go with the post. It would help us to match faces with the names we read about.