Monday, April 13, 2009

Gautam & Saranya

My niece Uma doesn't say it, but it appears that her younger one Gautam is getting naughtier by the day. This is evident from the photos she sent us.

From the look of it, Gautam appears to be in good hands - his didi Saranya - when it comes picking up new acts to baffle their parents with. Together - Gautam and Saranya - synergise well to make their home a lively, if somewhat disorderly, place.

Didi is on her own, with her picture-book that appears to have been (man)handled by by brother Gautam.
It appears Gautam doen't need his mother or didi when daddy is at home.

1 comment:

Shankar Govindan said...

Gautam, surely seems to have become quite naughty.
And Sars has started looking grown up. They make quite a cute bunch.